Tuesday, February 17, 2004

We went to a wedding this weekend in Philly and on Friday night there was a cocktail reception and a preview of the new exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art: Manet and the Sea. . I enjoyed it very much; both the cocktails and the exhibit. Especially the Godiva Chocolate with the cocktails and the painting Manet did in Venice. I think it's the most colorful of the Manet paintings in the exhibit and although not really of the sea it's the one with the most life. The other painting we liked was the one of the civil war naval battle between the Union ship Kearsarge and the Confederate ship Alabama. This battle took place off the coast of France. I didn't realize the Civil war was waged elsewhere near other countries. The Philadelphia Inquirer reviewed the exhibit very favorably and if the crowd on Friday was any indication it's going to be very popular while it's here. Manet isn't the only painter there's also Monet, Renoir, Whistler among others in the exhibit.

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