Winter has finally paid a serious visit here and while we didn't get much snow, the ice and cold certainly make up for any lack of the white fluffy stuff. We have to go to Orlando for a couple of days and I was hoping to enjoy some warm weather. However they are feeling the chill even there (Orlando Weather), it's been in the 40s and 50s, it will seem much better to us but certainly not warm. There's still snow on the Therapy Resources site but next month a touch of spring will appear again. The flower seeds are in the stores and the catalogs have started to arrive. We already bought some things to start seeds and we'll get them going soon.
This week is Fat Tuesday and Saturday we were at a Mardi Gras party. Did you know Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday) is also sometimes called Pancake Day? There are lots of pancake and syrup recipes out there I think I am going to try and have pancakes on Tuesday.
I'm currently reading: Exile, Richard North Patterson (my book club's pick)
I just read: Special Topics in Calamity Physics, Marisha Pessl
On my nite stand A Light in the Window, Jan Karon.