Wednesday, February 16, 2005
I've wanted to get back to painting, which I haven't done for years. I was just talking about it on Monday. Well today I visited another blog and thought what a neat idea, what discipline, go Duane. What he is trying to do is a Painting a Day and he is posting them on his blog. The pictures are really good and it should be fun to follow this blog.
Monday, February 14, 2005
The book club that I am involved with meets about every four to six weeks. I have a lot on my plate right now and I have not finished the previous book Night Fall by Nelson De Mille even though we already met and discussed it. Although I really want to read the next one Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Lorna Landvik I think I'll take a pass and try to catch up on things. The site Reading Group Guides where I found info about Angry Housewives looks interesting maybe at the next meeting I get to I'll let everyone know about it.
Sunday, February 06, 2005
The Therapy Resources web site has been updated, and it's interesting to see which pages turn out to be the most popular. The Mexican Paper Flowers page is always popular but at this time of the year so is the snowflake page. They are both pages that have been posted for some time because of their popularity. The ones that I like to watch are the new ones to see how they fare in the standings. This month there's quite a variety of activity pages and because the great backyard bird watch is coming up Off the Bench is attracting a lot of visitors, so is the Computer Capers page with its treasure hunt theme. Get a Game is at the top and closely followed by Healthy Hints , Amiable Activity, Cook Create Cultivate and What's the Story?. Well it's too early to tell but still interesting to watch.